Dan Baggiani, PE

Vice President, Power Division

Dan is responsible for leading Westwood’s Power Division and positioning the business for continued diversification, operational efficiency, and growth. His leadership was shaped by years of working closely with electric utilities and engineering solutions to help them navigate the evolving demands on their aging networks. Prior to joining Westwood in 2019, Dan co-founded a consulting firm to meet the growing demand for energy infrastructure, rehabilitation, and expansion. He and his partners saw joining Westwood as an opportunity to pursue this vision more fully for their clients and team members.

Through this experience, Dan brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of the industry's intricacies. Today, as a company shareholder and member of the senior leadership team, Dan continues to contribute to our overall success, leveraging his business acumen and technical proficiency to balance scalability and strategic growth. He prioritizes client satisfaction and technical excellence as he’s expanded our products and expertise to uniquely serve the needs of electric utilities, developers, and contractors operating and building our country’s electric grid. Dan and his team are continually recognized as trusted advisors in the fields of power delivery, telecommunications, and the integration of energy storage and renewable energy.

  • Western Michigan University, BS Civil Engineering
  • Notre Dame, CERT Executive Certificate in Leadership