September 18, 2024

A Culture of Safety

One Million Hours Injury Free One Million Hours Injury Free

Our team proudly celebrates numerous instances of achieving one million hours of work without a recordable injury. A recordable injury is loosely defined as work-related injuries or illnesses that requires treatment beyond first aid, loss of consciousness, or results in days away from work or restricted duty. We successfully reach this milestone routinely and maintain an Experience Modification Rate (EMR) below the industry average, because our employees are dedicated to creating a culture of safety. Our safety culture is enforced through safety committees, proactive and preventative approaches to safety education, and innovative safety measures.

Safety Committees

We have three safety committees. These committees strive to promote a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, clients, and sub-consultants. The groups are committed to identifying, evaluating, and addressing potential workplace safety and health hazards, developing, implementing, and monitoring safety programs, and executing initiatives to improve overall workplace safety.

Tier 1 Safety Committee

The Tier 1 Committee includes representatives from our markets and services. During routine meetings, the group provides safety policy recommendations, reviews incidents, company safety data, and workplace safety and health programs. 

Field Safety Committee

The Field Safety Committee includes representatives from many of our offices and service teams. The group promotes proactive strategies for field-related safety issues and maintains open communication with field teams to share safety updates and hear their feedback on safety measures. 

Office Safety Committee

Lastly, the Office Safety Committee is composed of office managers from each of our offices. Their efforts are focused on office-specific safety concerns, which include maintaining office emergency plans, completing office safety audits and inspections, and educating office employees. 

Proactive and Preventative Approaches to Safety Education

Our team prioritizes safety through proactive and preventative approaches, ensuring our team is well-informed and prepared. These efforts are achieved in numerous ways. 

  1. Our three safety committees meet routinely to discuss safety initiatives and gather input from employees, fostering a culture of collaboration.
  2. Office Managers across our organization hold monthly office meetings to share relevant safety topics, keeping safety at the forefront of employees’ minds. 
  3. Field teams hold routine meetings to address specific safety concerns and reinforce best practices. 
  4. All employees are required to review annual safety videos, which provide comprehensive education on safety protocols. The footage incorporates reminders on safety plans and resources, empowering employees to make informed decisions. 
  5. Finally, weekly safety toolbox talks are accessible to all employees. These topics provide a space for employees to engage in open discussions about safety challenges and solutions. 

Innovative Safety Measures

We are committed to leading the way with robust and innovative safety initiatives. By utilizing advanced and digitized safety tracking, we ensure project success while demonstrating our dedication to a culture of care. Field employees are required to complete a Hazard Assessment Survey and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) each day before commencing work. The group can readily access essential safety resources, such as vehicle inspection reports and incident reports. Digitizing these efforts improves efficiency and communication with teams in the office. 

Together, these initiatives create a robust framework and solidify our commitment to safety. Our efforts are crucial because we value the health and well-being of our employees, clients, and sub-consultants. Fewer injuries result in less downtime and disruptions, contribute to higher morale and job satisfaction, and showcase our efforts to be a leader in safety practices. Achieving one million hours injury-free is a benchmark for future safety goals, encouraging continuous improvement and vigilance in our team’s safety practices. 

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